Writing is a life-enhancing activity.
Writing is a life-enhancing activity.
It is a common opinion that writing is a life-enhancing activity. Every day people get involved with the writing process, for example at school, at home or at work. Writing skills are an important part of communication. Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience than through face-to-face. The primary reason for writing anything is to communicate with others, to stimulate interest or action from the reader. You may also use writing to help you to reflect on your experiences and learn from them. While studying at the university a key way of assessing the progress and learning of students is the written work which you produce. When we write, we are writing for ourselves or we are writing for others. We do it all the time so it is important to know how it can be a life-enhancing activity. Aside from the fact that writing is a necessary part of everyday life, there are many good reasons you should make a good session of writing part of your daily routine, even if it is just a few sentences. You do not have to be a pro to reap the benefits of writing. Here are some examples of how writing improves the quality of our lives.
Firstly, if you have problems with your emotions and concentrations, writing is a perfect way to express yourself and sort your thoughts. It will help you be more confident and relaxed. The act of thinking about problems, as well as expressing emotions, seems to be important. Writing helps people to organize thoughts and give meaning to a traumatic experience. When people open up privately about a traumatic event, they are more likely to talk with others about it by writing because it is easier than conversation by face-to-face. Secondly, writing broaden your horizons and let you gain new knowledge which is very desirable in nowadays. You will communicate with clarity. Unlike talking, when you write you look for more sophisticated words and expressions to describe what you have in mind. This helps you build a structure that will allow you to express yourself better and communicate complex ideas in a much more effective way. Plenty of those words, which are put together will begin to find their way in into your verbal communication skills. You will start to use an expanded vocabulary, which will leave a better impression of you and on the person, you are communicating with. Both your personal and professional lives stand to benefit from this. Thirdly, writing is relaxing. If you are feeling stressed out or anxious, writing for relaxation can help relieve some of your stress, leaving you feeling calm and at peace.Writing can serve as a form of cathartic stress relief where you finally get to say what you can’t say out loud, in real life.
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